Counseling Services

Gregory Pacoe
School Counselor – PCS Central
412-709-5160 x108

Cynthia Russell
Coordinator of Student Engagement
412-709-5160 x192

Amanda Pinto
School Counselor – PCS West

412-709-5160 x818

School Counseling Mission Statement

The mission of the Provident Charter School Counseling Department is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address students’ academic, career, and social/emotional needs.  The Counseling Department is staffed by professional school counselors who advocate, collaborate, and facilitate individual and system change to ensure every student has the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success and personal growth.  School counselors strive to empower students to embrace their full potential and to achieve their personal and academic aspirations. As professional school counselors at Provident Charter School, we are dedicated to empowering every student to achieve academic success, personal and social growth, wellness, and career exploration.


One of the goals of Provident Charter School’s Counseling Department involves connecting families with resources within the school as well as the local community.  Some examples of possible resources include:

      • Mental Health
      • Grief & Loss
      • Food & Housing
      • Homelessness
      • Behavioral Health
      • After-School Programs
      • Summer Camps

If your child(ren) or family could benefit from learning more about available resources, please reach out to your school counselor for more information.

Proud Partners

Provident Charter School is proud to partner with the following organizations:

More to come!

Call or email your School Counselor for more information.