PCS Central

PCS Central Administration

Mrs. Kristy Yonushonis, Building Principal
Phone: 412-709-5160
Email: KYonushonis@providentcharterschool.org

Mr. Robert Casey, Vice Principal
Phone: 412-709-5160
Email: RCasey@providentcharterschool.org

February Lunch Menu [PDF]

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February Breakfast Menu [PDF]

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2024-25 Central Transportation Contacts

Any questions or concerns regarding transportation should be addressed directly to your home district.

PCS Bus #DistrictBus Company & #Contact Information
#1Keystone OaksMatthews (#51)412-571-6012
#2Quaker ValleyQuaker Valley SD (#67)724-318-8535
#3Chartiers ValleyAJ Meyers (#A806)412-275-3056
#5Bethel ParkBethel Park SD (#M13)412-854-8608
#6Fox ChapelABC Transit (#677/Run#100)412-828-9000
#8Baldwin-WhitehallFirst Student (# )412-831-3112
#9ANorth HillsNorth Hills SD (#375)412-318-1024
#9BNorth HillsNorth Hills SD (#819 AM / #371 PM)412-318-1024
#11Woodland HillsWoodland Hills SD (#724)412-731-1300 x0187
#13Penn HillsPenn Hills SD (#272)412-793-7000 x81601
#17AShalerABC Transit (#432)412-492-1200 x2824
#17BShalerABC Transit (#883)412-492-1200 x2824
#18MontourMontour SD (#78 AM / #66 PM)412-490-6500 x4701
#19AvonworthFirst Student (#215)412-734-9288
#20Sto-RoxSto-Rox SD (#870)412-771-3213 x5217
#21HamptonRoenigk Bus Co. (#2657)724-443-5355
#24ANorth AlleghenyAllegheny Transp. (#NA13)412-781-1184
#24BNorth AlleghenyAllegheny Transp. (#NA12)412-781-1184
#27Allegheny ValleyRoenigk Bus Co. (#V33)412-331-3974
#29Mount LebanonRoenigk Bus Co. (#2728)412-331-3974
#30AWest MifflinETS (#1)412-520-5001
#30BWest MifflinETS (#2)412-520-5001
#7Pittsburgh Public School DistrictFirst Student-Three Rivers (#A313)412-322-4449
#15Pittsburgh Public School DistrictFirst Student-Three Rivers (#A332)412-322-4449
#16Pittsburgh Public School DistrictFirst Student-Three Rivers (#A331)412-322-4449
#22Pittsburgh Public School DistrictZ-Trip (RC41)412-694-5301
#23APittsburgh Public School DistrictKrise Transp. (#G302)412-815-2250
#23BPittsburgh Public School DistrictKrise Transp. (#GB06)412-815-2250
#25Pittsburgh Public School DistrictFirst Student-Three Rivers (#A331)412-322-4449
#31Pittsburgh Public School DistrictPennsylvania Coach (#X310)412-664-0911


Troy Hill Campus


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