Is Your Child Struggling In School? Here Are 5 Questions To Ask – Today!

The school year is underway, and it’s time to check in about learning. How is your child feeling when they return home at the end of the day? Have you received any communications from their teachers about their academic performance? Are you worried about their success in school this year? 

If any of the above applies to you: take a deep breath. At PROVIDENT CHARTER SCHOOL WEST (PCS West), we hear lots of stories from parents who are concerned that their child is struggling to thrive in a traditional classroom setting. We get it! We are experts in educating children with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. But before you make a move to a new school, here are 5 questions you can ask your current classroom teacher to find out more about your child’s learning.

A 3rd grade girl practicing her letters.

1. How does my child feel about reading at school?

It’s helpful to understand how your child feels about reading when they are not at home, and what environments work best for them. Do they like being part of a small group? Reading one on one with a teacher? How do they react to reading aloud?

2. What are the areas of strengths and weaknesses that you notice with my child’s learning?

How is their comprehension and vocabulary? Are they participating actively in the classroom compared to their peers?

3. Can you show me a book my child has read recently?

It’s important to understand what level your child is reading at, so you can assess if intervention or other services may be beneficial to bring them to grade level.

4. What kind of resources are available to help my child?

Are there decodable books in the classroom? Are students working in small groups? Are there tiers of support or interventions for students to access?

5. How is my child fitting in socially?

Do they have classroom friends? Do they appear happy to come to school each day? Students with learning differences can often struggle to fit into a traditional classroom setting. Are they thriving socially?

Do the answers to those questions concern you? We can help.

At PCS West, we communicate frequently with parents about their child’s learning. If you are considering a switch, reach out to Julie Ewing, Director of Enrollment, at 412-709-5160 ext. 121 or Julie will take the time to discuss your child’s current learning environment and help you determine if our school is a better fit for their learning needs. We’re here for you!

Dyslexia doesn’t have to be seen as a challenge to overcome. At PCS West, our skilled, knowledgeable teachers are ready to unlock your child’s potential and start them on the path to a bright future. Interested in learning more?

Contact us and ENROLL TODAY.


About Provident Charter West

Provident Charter West is a tuition-free brick and mortar charter school serving 1st-5th grade students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Our innovative classroom model and effective teaching techniques inspire all learners. Students are supported by a close-knit community of specially-trained teachers, staff and engaged families within Beaver, Allegheny, & Butler Counties. Join PCS West today – ask about free transportation!